Machine Vision Imaging
Machine Vision imaging requires cameras that can see the smallest defects, operate at fast frame rates, and provide wide field-of-view. Industrial imaging also requires cameras with lower cost per megapixel. Acuros cameras are fully GenICam compliant and have demonstrated compliance with common Vision software.
Silicon Inspection
SWIR imaging systems are used to perform inspection of semiconductor wafers and die. The wafers and chips made of silicon are transparent to SWIR light. The frontside or backside illumination of silicon based device with infrared lighting enables imaging of wafer alignment marks, micro-cracks, and other fine features. When using semiconductor edge crack inspection systems, it will perform advance failure analysis when usin the SWIR cameras that can image the smallest defects, run at the fastest rates and image the widest field-of-view. Learn more about Silicon Inspection.
Degraded Environments
Long Distance, maritime, and outdoor monitoring applications require SWIR cameras that deliver high resolution short wave infrared imaging. They also require cameras that help imaging through obscured atmosphere environments. The Acuros CQD SWIR camera meets this challenege with the world's only commercially available full HD sensor array. Learn more about degraded environments
Optics & Photonics
Laser beam profiling, free-space optical alignment, fiber optic alignment systems, scientific research and medical optics systems all use integrated SWIR cameras. These key instrumentation applications, and others require sensors with high pixel density, and large format arrays, all delivered at the lowest cost per megapixel. Learn more about Optics & Photonics